Policies and regulations

Interim provisions of Guangdong Provincial Department of Education on the disclosure of college affairs

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Notice of the Provisional Regulations of Guangdong Provincial Department of Education on the Disclosure of college Affairs

Guangdong Education Supervisor (2006) No. 12

By university:

   The Interim Provisions of Guangdong Provincial Department of Education on the Disclosure of College Affairs have been examined and approved by the Legislative Affairs Office of Guangdong Provincial People's Government and are hereby issued to you。The regulation will take effect on May 1, 2006。Please study hard and implement it actively。Please report to our Office in a timely manner any problems and situations encountered in the course of implementation。Our office will review the implementation of the study in due course。

   Annex: Interim Regulations of Guangdong Provincial Department of Education on the Disclosure of University Affairs

Guangdong Provincial Department of Education

April 6th, 2006

Interim provisions of Guangdong Provincial Department of Education on the disclosure of college affairs

Chapter I General provisions

   Article 1 In order to strengthen the construction of democratic politics in institutions of higher learning, safeguard the rights of faculty and staff to participate in democratic decision-making, democratic management and democratic supervision, and standardize the openness of school affairs in institutions of higher learning, these provisional provisions are formulated in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations and in light of the actual conditions of institutions of higher learning in our province。

   Article 2 The term "school affairs" as mentioned in these Regulations refers to the affairs and relevant information arising from the implementation of education, teaching and management by institutions of higher learning。

   Article 3 Matters related to the reform and development of education, school management and the vital interests of faculty and staff shall, in principle, be disclosed in appropriate ways and procedures to a certain extent。

   Article 4 These Provisions shall apply to the activities of public institutions of higher learning in Guangdong Province。

   Article 5 Institutions of higher learning shall fulfill the obligation of making school affairs public。The faculty, staff, students, community organizations and other citizens and legal organizations of the university shall have the right to know and supervise the affairs of the university that should be made public as set out in these Regulations。

   Article 6 Institutions of higher learning should implement the leadership system and working mechanism of unified leadership by the Party committee, administration of the university, coordination and supervision of discipline inspection, supervision and audit departments and trade unions, business departments taking their respective responsibilities, and active participation of faculty members and students。The university shall set up a leading group for the disclosure of school affairs under the leadership of the Party Committee,Designated relevant departments to participate in the school affairs disclosure work organization,Specifically responsible for organizing the implementation of these Provisions;The principal person in charge of the Party committee of the university shall assume the leadership responsibility for the school affairs openly,The principal person in charge of school administration shall be mainly responsible for the implementation of school affairs disclosure;Set up a supervision group composed of discipline inspection, supervision and audit departments and trade unions as well as faculty and student representatives,To coordinate and supervise the publicity of school affairs。

   Article 7 The disclosure of school affairs shall follow the principles of legality, timeliness, truthfulness and justice, and shall not disclose state secrets and business secrets;The disclosure of relevant matters prohibited by laws and regulations shall not be made public;The legal interests of the school shall not be harmed;Do not invade other people's privacy。

   Article 8 Improve and perfect the system of faculty and staff congress, and give full play to the role of the teaching (vocational) congress as the main channel in the work of disclosing school affairs。

Chapter II Contents of the disclosure of school affairs

   Article 9 Institutions of higher learning shall disclose to students the following school affairs:

   (A) the university's leading organization and its responsible person, management (functional) departments and their responsible person, the establishment of departments;

   (2) the duties of the school administration, and the channels and methods for teachers and students to contact or complain with the school administration;

   (3) the school management system and relevant regulations, as well as the requirements for students' academic studies and discipline;

   (D) school enrollment (including postgraduate examination admission, examination exemption recommendation) and education and teaching reform;

   (5) School charging regulations, including charging items, charging standards, charging units, charging scope, charging basis and approved charging authorities;

   (6) Student management information, including students joining the Party, joining the league, evaluation, evaluation, selection, scholarship evaluation and distribution, student rewards and punishments, student transfer conditions, graduate employment information;

   (7) Teaching situation, including teaching staff, teaching plan arrangement, major setting and credit distribution, curriculum setting and adjustment;

   (8) Information on students' work-study assistance and requirements, standards and methods for granting grants and student loans。

   (9) Other important matters concerning the interests of students。

   Article 10 Institutions of higher learning shall disclose the following school affairs to the public:

   (A) enrollment regulations and enrollment plans, admission procedures, charging items, charging standards, charging units, charging scope, charging basis and approved charging authorities;

   (2) public bidding projects, bidding procedures, bidding conditions and winning results;

   (3) Recruitment conditions, procedures and results of recruitment for social recruiters;

   (4) Other matters that should be disclosed according to laws and regulations or that institutions of higher learning think should be disclosed。

   Article 11 In addition to the contents of Articles 9 and 10 of these provisions, the university affairs disclosed to the faculty and staff of the university shall also include the following:

   (A) important decisions and implementation of the school, including school development and construction plans, major reform programs, major foreign cooperation projects;

   (2) The development or modification of the school charter and normative documents;

   (3) The annual work plan and implementation of the school;

   (4) The important matters promised by the school and the completion of them;

   (5) The members of the school leading group and the party and government leading cadres above the department level abide by the rules of honesty and self-discipline and democratic evaluation;

   (vi) the occurrence and handling of major school events (including disciplinary violations, emergencies and accidents);

   (7) The result or situation of handling the proposal of the teaching (vocational) Congress;

   (viii) the adjustment of the school's organizational structure and personnel deployment and recruitment, including the basic information such as the department's assignment and responsibility, the conditions and procedures for transferring (recruiting) personnel, the conditions and procedures for government-sent overseas personnel, and the list of transferred and overseas personnel;

   (9) the reform plan of the school cadres and personnel system, the conditions, procedures and results of the selection and appointment of department-level cadres and key discipline leaders and the evaluation of excellence and precedence;

   (10) The requirements for the composition of the various evaluation committees of the university, the policies, regulations and conditions for the evaluation of professional and technical positions, the selection procedures, rules of procedure and results of the proceedings, the positions and the employment of professional and technical positions;

   (11) The establishment and adjustment of on-campus post allowances, subsidies and class honorarium programs;

   (12) The budget and implementation of the annual funds of the school;

   (13) the assets, claims and debts of the school;

   (14) The allocation of school resources, including housing allocation, land allocation, office and laboratory allocation, large instruments and equipment and other teaching resources allocation;

   (15) School property management and changes;

   (16) the operation, management and benefits of school-run enterprises;

   (17) Application, evaluation results and project funding of scientific research projects, domestic and foreign cooperation and promotion and application of scientific and technological projects;

   (18) Application, selection and submission of teaching and research results;

   (19) Information on the bidding and tendering of capital construction projects and maintenance projects, including project projects, bidding procedures, bidding conditions, winning results, etc.;

   (20) the procurement of bulk materials, large and complete sets of equipment, including the name, quantity, quality (relevant technical parameters) of materials (equipment), procurement or bidding, etc.;

   (21) Other contents that should be disclosed according to the relevant provisions of the higher level or as required by the higher level administrative department of education。

Chapter three Forms of the disclosure of school affairs

   Article 12 The university affairs disclosed in accordance with these provisions shall be disclosed by institutions of higher learning in one or more of the following ways according to their characteristics:

   (a) set up a special school affairs disclosure page on the campus network;

   (2) Publishing in school newspapers, newspapers, radio, television and other media;

   (3) set up fixed publicity columns, publicity columns, etc.;

   (4) to convene teaching congresses and student congresses regularly;

   (5) In addition to the above forms, the school affairs disclosed to the public can also be sent written notices, letters or through the news media;

   (6) Other forms that are easy for teachers, students and society to know。

   Article 13 School affairs belonging to rules, normative documents and other policy measures shall be disclosed in a manner conducive to the inspection of teachers, students and relevant personnel。

Chapter IV Procedures for the disclosure of school affairs

   Article 14 Institutions of higher learning shall take the initiative to make public the contents of school affairs listed in Articles 9, 10 and 11 of these provisions。

   Article 15 The school affairs that should be submitted to the faculty and staff representative meeting for deliberation and approval according to regulations shall be submitted to the faculty and staff representative meeting for deliberation and approval before being formally publicized。

   Article 16 The disclosure of school affairs shall generally be made public within 10 working days after the occurrence of school affairs。

   Article 17 The contents of school affairs disclosure shall be put forward by the school affairs disclosure work organization in accordance with the requirements of these provisions, and shall be made public after collective study and determination by the school affairs disclosure work leading group, and signed by the president (or the person in charge designated by him)。

   Article 18 Organizations and individuals who have the right to know and supervise the public affairs of the school in accordance with the provisions of Article 4 of these provisions apply for the public affairs, can apply in writing or orally with valid documents;For oral applications, the receiving staff of the institution of higher learning should record them on the spot。The contents of the record include:

   (a) the applicant's basic information, including name or name, address, identification, contact information;

   (2) The specific contents of the request for disclosure;

   (3) the signature or seal of the applicant;

   (4) Application time。

   Article 19 Institutions of higher learning shall, within 10 working days from the date of receiving the application, decide whether to make the application public and inform the applicant at the same time。

   Due to objective reasons such as information processing and other legitimate reasons, the School Affairs Disclosure work leading group may, after consultation with the School Affairs Disclosure Supervision Group, extend the time limit for making a decision on disclosure to 20 working days, and shall promptly notify the applicant of the extended time limit and the reasons for the extension in writing。

   If an institution of higher learning decides to make public, it shall specify the time, place and method of making public in the written decision on making public;If part of the decision is made public or not, the reasons shall be explained in the written decision。

   Article 20 If the school affairs applied for disclosure contain contents that are prohibited or restricted from disclosure but can be distinguished, the part that can be disclosed shall be disclosed to the outside world。

   Article 21 School affairs that involve the vital interests of teachers and students, affect the reform and development of the school, or have significant social impact shall implement the pre-disclosure system before the formal decision is made. The school affairs disclosure work organization shall announce the plan and reasons for the proposed decision to teachers and students, and make adjustments after fully listening to the opinions。

   Article 22 If it is difficult for an institution of higher learning to determine the secret level of school affairs, the institution may submit specific opinions to the security department or the competent department for examination and approval, and may handle the matter in accordance with the time limit and procedures prescribed by the security laws and regulations and suspend the disclosure。

   The school affairs suspended from public disclosure, after the nature or secret level is determined, shall be dealt with according to Article 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 of these provisions respectively。

   Article 23 If an institution of higher learning is unable to make a decision on whether or not to disclose the affairs of the school to the applicant within the prescribed time limit due to force majeure or other legal reasons, the institution of higher learning shall promptly notify the applicant in writing and explain the reasons for the delay。

   The period shall be recalculated from the date on which the cause of suspension is eliminated。

Article 24 In order to make the disclosure of school affairs institutionalized, standardized and procedural, each school shall do a good job in the collection, sorting and archiving of the following school affairs disclosure materials。

(1) Disclosure of relevant content materials for school affairs;

(b) School affairs open work leading group meeting minutes;

(C) School affairs open supervision group meeting minutes;

(4) Minutes of public meetings of the Education Congress on school affairs;

(5) Minutes of public meetings of the Student Congress related to school affairs。

Chapter V Supervision

Article 25 Guangdong Provincial Department of Education, Guangdong Provincial Committee for Education Discipline Inspection and Guangdong Provincial Education Trade Union shall be responsible for guiding the work of openness of university affairs in Guangdong Province (including affiliated institutions), and shall supervise and inspect the conduct of openness of school affairs in the following ways:

(1) Regularly or irregularly inspect the disclosure of school affairs of institutions of higher learning;

(2) To hear the work report of the university affairs disclosure;

(C) set up the school affairs public consultation and complaint telephone or mailbox, timely correct and investigate and deal with violations or misconduct, and inform the complainants of the handling situation, or publicize the handling results to the public;

(4) To carry out school affairs open work evaluation activities。

Article 26 The Supervision Group on the disclosure of school affairs is responsible for supervising the disclosure of school affairs of the school, regularly checking the disclosure of school affairs of the school, timely reporting the inspection results to the relevant personnel and organizations, and submitting them to the discipline inspection and supervision department at the higher level and the trade union organization。

Article 27 The trade unions, teaching congresses and student congresses of institutions of higher learning shall regularly review the work related to the disclosure of school affairs, and timely feedback the evaluation results to institutions of higher learning。

Chapter VI Responsibilities

Article 28 If an institution of higher learning violates relevant laws and regulations or these provisions by disclosing school affairs, the competent department of education and its supervisory institution have the right to order it to make corrections within a time limit;Those who do not make changes within the time limit shall be notified of criticism, and the main responsible person shall be investigated for administrative responsibility。

Article 29 A person directly responsible for any of the following acts shall be investigated for responsibility by the relevant department; if the circumstances are serious, he shall be given administrative sanctions;Anyone who violates the law shall be investigated for legal responsibility in accordance with relevant laws:

(A) in violation of the relevant provisions do not implement the disclosure of school affairs;

(b) in violation of these provisions on the disclosure of content, methods, procedures;

(3) Intentionally disclosing school affairs falsely or deliberately practicing fraud in the disclosure of school affairs;

(4) Other acts in violation of these Provisions。

   Article 30 Where an institution of higher learning conceals or publicizes false school affairs, or divulges business secrets or personal privacy, thereby causing economic losses or reputation damage to relevant personnel or organizations, it shall compensate according to law;If losses are caused to the school, the main responsible persons shall be investigated for their responsibilities。

   Article 31 In case of retaliation against relevant personnel and organizations who apply for disclosure of school affairs in accordance with these provisions, the responsible person shall be investigated for responsibility according to the seriousness of the case。

Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions

   Article 32 The publicity of school affairs of privately-run institutions of higher learning shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Law on the Promotion of Privately-Run Education and the Regulations on the Implementation of the Law on the Promotion of Privately-Run Education。

   Article 33 Institutions of higher learning for adults shall implement these Provisions with reference。

   Article 34 Each institution of higher learning shall, in accordance with these Provisions and the actual situation of the school, formulate specific implementation rules for the disclosure of school affairs, and submit them to the Guangdong Provincial Department of Education, the higher competent departments and the Guangdong Provincial Education Trade Union for the record。

   Article 35 The Department of Education of Guangdong Province shall be responsible for the interpretation of these provisions。

  Article 36 These Provisions shall come into force as of May 1, 2006。